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Textbook Returns

Textbook Returns

Textbook Return Policy
Please read the following carefully!
  • All textbook returns are made directly to Akademos through stlcc.textbookx.com.
  • The Campus Stores cannot take a return/refund for textbooks. All returns/refunds will go through Akademos.

Refund Time Period

  • For 9-16 week courses: 10 business days from first day of class.
  • For 6-8 week courses: 5 business days from the first day of class.
  • For 1-5 week courses: 3 business days of the first day of class.
  • SUMMER CLASSES: Full refund within 5 business days from the first day of class for courses 3 weeks or longer and 2 business days from the first day of class for courses less than 3 weeks.
  • Refunds beyond these time periods may given with a withdrawal slip indicating a refund for registration was given.  We will give the same percentage refund for the textbook as was given for the class.