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Textbook Pricing

How Does the Bookstore Price Textbooks?

We markup new textbooks 33% over the cost which reflects a 25% gross margin.

  • A book we purchase for $70.50 will cost the student $94.00.
  • A book we purchase for $28.00 will cost the student $37.25.

Used textbooks are marked at a 25% discount from the new price.

  • The used copy of the $94.00 book would be $70.50.
  • The used copy of the $37.00 book would be $28.00.

We try to buy used books from students for half of the new book price whether the student originally bought the book new or used. For example, a student who bought Larson College Algebra used for$81.60 will receive $54.40 for their book at buyback. Their total cost for the College Algebra text ends up being $27.20.